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ChatGPT and Data | Avast

ChatGPT and Data | Avast

The Impact of AI Language Learning Models on Privacy and Accuracy In the world of AI and machine learning, the sudden massive popularity of language learning models is a hot topic. These tools — the current most popular of which is probably ChatGPT-3 — are language models that can answer specific questions and even generate...

Is your online date Googling you?

Is your online date Googling you?

Research related to online dating underscores the importance of conscious digital sharing There’s an old joke that “On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.” It’s originally from a 1993 cartoon in The New Yorker and while the internet looks a lot different from how it looked back then, it’s just as relevant in 2023:...

Know Your Digital Rights at the Airport

Know Your Digital Rights at the Airport

Everyone knows that TSA will make you pour out your water bottle and take off your shoes, but are they allowed to search your phone? Well, like a lot of security-related things, there’s not exactly a clean “yes or no” answer. Can TSA search your phone? The TSA largely looks for physical evidence that a...

Are My Apps Actually Spying On Me?

Are My Apps Actually Spying On Me?

Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t watching you. Here’s the answer to that age-old question: Are my apps spying on me? Downloaded a weather app to your phone? You might think it’s no big deal, just a quick way to determine if you should grab your umbrella before heading out on a lunch...

When kids fly the nest, secure your digital nest eggs

When kids fly the nest, secure your digital nest eggs

Protecting Your Personal Information When Kids Leave Home As our children leave home to start their lives as adults, we often focus on providing them with love and encouragement for their new journey. However, in today’s digitally connected world, it’s essential to be mindful of the personal information and data they may be taking with...

What really happens when you get doxxed

What really happens when you get doxxed

Doxxing: What It Means and Why You Should Care The term “doxxed” is a term that is often thrown around online, but do you really know what it means? In today’s digital age, with the prevalence of social media and the internet, understanding the implications of being doxxed is crucial. So, what exactly is doxxing,...

Fall back…into some good digital health habits

Fall back…into some good digital health habits

Reinvent DST Habits: Strengthen Your Digital Life Fall is here, and along with cozy sweaters, family gatherings, and PSLs, comes the tradition of turning the clocks back as Daylight Saving Time (DST) ends. Although we’re not certain why this practice lives on in 2023, it lends itself as a good reminder to check our smoke...

remove nosey apps from your device

remove nosey apps from your device

Some apps are plain greedy—like a stranger you invite for a meal who insists on ordering everything on the menu. Except instead of the burger, fries, and ice-cream sundae, it’s your data they’re hoovering up. Here’s what you can do to set some boundaries. Last year, a thoughtful friend gifted me a gimbal for my...

Your data is under siege. Here’s how to win the war.

Your data is under siege. Here’s how to win the war.

Protecting Your Personal Data: Tips for Data Privacy Day With Data Privacy Day coming up on January 28, now is the perfect time to reevaluate how you protect your personal information. In a world where data breaches and scams are becoming increasingly common, it’s essential to stay vigilant and take proactive steps to safeguard your...

Uncovering the hidden superpowers of your smartphone

Uncovering the hidden superpowers of your smartphone

Did you know you’re carrying a secret superhero around in your pocket? Introducing: Your smartphone. Picture this: You’ve just dashed out of your favorite café, already late for a meeting, when that heart-sinking realization hits you: your phone isn’t in your pocket where it should be. Panic kicks in. Or maybe you’re entering your card...