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Defeat the Scammers: Protect Yourself from Tax-Related Phishing Scams

Tax season is upon us once again, and along with the stress of filing taxes comes the increased risk of falling victim to phishing scams. Cybercriminals are well aware of this and use this time to ramp up their efforts to steal sensitive information from unsuspecting individuals. One of the most common types of scams during tax season is the W-2 phishing scam, where hackers impersonate company executives to request employee W-2 forms. However, with the right knowledge and precautions, you can protect yourself and your employees from falling into the trap of these scammers.

What is a W-2 phishing scam?

In a W-2 phishing scam, hackers pretend to be company executives or even the IRS itself and request employee W-2 forms. These forms contain a wealth of personal and financial information, including names, addresses, and social security numbers. The scammers typically send an email to the HR or payroll department, posing as a higher-up in the organization and asking for the information under the guise of needing it for tax purposes or some other seemingly legitimate reason. It’s essential to note that the IRS does not request W-2 forms via email, so any such request should raise red flags.

How to prevent W-2 scams

To safeguard your business and employees from W-2 phishing scams during tax season, follow these tips:

1. Train your employees: Educate your employees to be vigilant against phishing emails. Conduct simulated phishing attacks to test their awareness and remind them to be extra cautious during tax season. Teach them to spot warning signs like unexpected requests for sensitive information or strange requests.

2. Enable two-factor authentication: Add an extra layer of security to all company accounts by implementing two-factor authentication. This requires a second form of verification, such as a code sent to a mobile phone, in addition to a password. Even if a hacker steals your password, two-factor authentication makes it significantly harder for them to access your accounts.

3. Be cautious of unusual requests: If you receive a request for W-2 forms or any other sensitive information, verify the legitimacy of the request before sharing the information. Contact the requester by phone or in person to confirm their identity and the validity of the request.

4. Use secure communication channels: When sharing sensitive information, make sure to use encrypted emails or a secure file transfer service. Avoid sending sensitive data in plain text, as this makes it easy for hackers to intercept and steal.

5. Monitor for suspicious activity: Set up monitoring systems for your company accounts to detect any unusual or suspicious activity. This will enable you to take prompt action to protect your data if any unauthorized access is detected.

6. Stay informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest phishing tactics and techniques employed by cybercriminals. Awareness of current trends will help you stay ahead of the scammers and better protect yourself and your business.

7. Update security software: Regularly update your security software and systems to safeguard against new threats and vulnerabilities. Consider implementing a security awareness training program for your employees to educate them on how to identify and defend against phishing scams and other cyber threats.

How to report a phishing email

If you suspect that you have fallen victim to a phishing scam, it is essential to report it immediately. Contact the IRS through their website or the Federal Trade Commission via their fraud report portal. Inform your company’s IT department as well, as they may be able to take additional steps to secure your data.

In conclusion, it is crucial to remain cautious and verify any unexpected requests for sensitive information, especially during tax season when phishing scams tend to increase. By following the tips outlined above and staying vigilant, you can protect yourself and your company from falling prey to tax-related phishing scams. Stay informed, stay alert, and stay safe.

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